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Thank you for your interest in Kenberma Products.
If you would like to see a sample or receive additional information, please email us at [email protected] and be sure to include your name, company name and phone number. If you could also tell us how you heard about us, we would really appreciate it.
You can also call us at 1-800-343-5978 (US and Canada) or (508) 747-4100 (international).
Our fax number is 1-800-743-4978 or (508)-746-9284.
Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9-5:30. Just press "0" to be connected to Customer Service. If you get voicemail, you will receive a call back in 2 hours or less during normal business hours.
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ALSO: Pricing is constantly changing. We are updating the website every day but all items must be verified at time of purchase. We will not change pricing without confirming with you. We reserve the right to update any printed or web pricing based on current costs.
If an item you want has become too expensive, please contact us so we can try to find an alternative item.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
You must be 100% satisfied or you can return your merchandise for up to six months!